For Teachers and Public

teachers seating on the beach with their instructors

NOAA's Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary works with local educators to provide environmental education resources, class visits, and information about marine-related activities, workshops, and grant funding opportunities.

image of students disecting an albatross bolluses

Classroom Programs

Over 15,000 students have participated in sanctuary programs throughout the islands, which include classroom instruction, after-school activities, and visitations to the sanctuary education center in Kīhei, Maui.

Each island hosts different types of education opportunities, including class visits for K-12 and college students. For opportunities on all other islands, contact

teachers creating a life size chalk whale

Teacher Workshops

Opportunities for teachers are available on all Islands. Contact Patty Miller at to get updates on marine related activities, teacher workshops, environmental resources and grant opportunities.

woman looking through vr glasses on her smartphone

Virtual Dives

Immerse yourself in the ocean and your national marine sanctuaries without getting wet! These virtual reality voyages use 360-degree images to highlight the amazing habitats, animals, and cultural resources you can find in each national marine sanctuary.

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Ocean Guardian Programs

Ocean Guardian programs encourage children to explore their natural surroundings to form a sense of personal connection to the ocean and/or watersheds in which they live.

three researchers examining a section of the ground

Materials and Resources

Explore teacher resources, brochures, marine wildlife fact cards, posters and more.

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Grant Opportunities

Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) Hawai`i is an environmental education program that promotes locally relevant, experiential learning primarily for grades K-12.

For additional information:

Maui, Oah‘u, the Big Island, Moloka‘i, and Lāna‘i: please contact

Kaua‘i: please contact